the Hiding Place

Oh, I get it now!   I have just finished watching the movie about the Ten Booms and the title has never hit me until now.  He, God, is The Hiding Place!   These times we are in seem to be heading toward what they went through.  Government control, even though it appears for our good, can be taken too far.  And in my fears…. Oh, but God is so faithful.  He is still good in the midst of, pain, hunger, overwork, sickness and lice in a concentration camp.  Oh, He is still worth following.   He still has a purpose for me here, in the midst of this trial.  I don’t know what it is, but I will trust Him.  And He is my Hiding Place.

I have struggled with hopelessness and despair, and God has showed me through these dear sisters, that I can love and trust Him in the midst of even this.  Suffering does not mean He loves me less.  Oh, what a relief!

Corrie ten Boom

Corrie shared the Gospel for the rest of her life.  Even if it is to one person, it can be worth it.

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